When Deltek first introduced Vantagepoint to the ERP world in August 2018, it prompted uncertainty among Deltek Vision customers. It was clear Vantagepoint was Vision’s upgrade path — but what did that really mean for customers?
Deltek News: Forced Upgrades from Vision to Vantagepoint?
Deltek Vision has long been a staple solution in the Architecture, Engineering, & Construction (AEC) space. Many AEC companies turned to Vision to meet their unique invoicing needs, and leveraging rich customizable functionality ideally suited for companies with project management requirements. Historically, Vision was an ideal solution for professional services companies.
When Deltek first introduced Vantagepoint to the ERP world in August 2018, it prompted uncertainty among Deltek Vision customers. It was clear Vantagepoint was Vision’s upgrade path — but what did that really mean for customers?
Deltek has since clarified that Vantagepoint was intended as a replacement for two different software solutions: Deltek for Professional Services and Deltek Vision. Ultimately, in November 2018, Deltek announced Vision 7.6 “[would] remain in an active support mode (including regulatory updates) at least until the end of 2022.” The date has ultimately been extended, with updates released in December 2024.
While Deltek continues to signal to clients to make the upgrade, it is still releasing Deltek Vision Year-End Guides, the most recent of which details steps for end-of-year 2024. Within this report, Deltek assures Vision customers, “Vision year-end [and] Cumulative Updates in 2024 will be provided for version 7.6,” however, be warned that customers running Vision 7.5 or older will not receive any updates for the new year. While this may be a relief to 7.6 customers, this is not a long-term solution. Businesses on 7.6 should begin considering their options so they have plenty of time to evaluate and potentially implement new solutions before 7.6 runs out of life. As of 2025, Vision 7.6 has moved under sustaining support so the product will no longer receive major updates.
But Is Vantagepoint the Right Path Forward?
Deltek Vantagepoint was released as the upgrade path for Deltek Vision customers, but that does not make it the only path forward. Business currently on a sunsetted version of Vision have many factors to consider before confronting a risky ERP software migration.
According to Deltek, it should be a smooth transition to Vantagepoint for those already on the Vision platform. This claim was confirmed recently by one of our clients who followed the set migration path. In some cases, we are even seeing a process more similar to an upgrade than a full-scale ERP implementation. However, the new user interface varies enough to require a new round of user acceptance testing. Basic comparisons like these can be used as a starting point for determining if Deltek Vantagepoint is right for you, but in order to make the best decision for your company, you have to dive a little deeper.
Deltek Vision to Vantagepoint: Benefits and Drawbacks
Benefit of Vantagepoint: Stronger Capabilities, Easy Transition
If you are already using Deltek Vision and it works for you, then it could be beneficial to move to Vantagepoint. From what we have learned from our clients, Vantagepoint has stronger capabilities than Vision, with updates being made to the product as the technology continues to advance. They are reporting that the data migration went as well as could be expected, with a relatively smooth transition.
Some of our customers who upgraded reported these benefits to Vantagepoint:
- Newer user experience
- Cloud compatible
- Functionality improvements
- Same AEC industry focus
Drawback to Deltek Vantagepoint: Implementation & User Adoption Complications
On the other hand, some of our other customers who have already made the switch from Vision to Vantagepoint are reporting that the difference might not be worth the trouble.
One client reported that they recently finished upgrading from Vision to Vantagepoint, and it was a difficult implementation. They said even though both are Deltek products, Vantagepoint was different enough that they had problems with user adoption – it was essentially the same as if they had moved to an entirely different ERP system.
Not everyone felt Deltek Vision was the perfect software solution for their firm. In some industries, such as architecture and engineering, Vision became the de facto solution, and some companies implemented it because “that’s what everyone else was doing.” But that does not mean that Deltek Vantagepoint will be right for your specific requirements. More and more solutions are emerging in the ERP space to meet the needs of the AEC industry and are no longer single, industry-standard solutions. ERP software vendors have prioritized creating vertical and micro-vertical solutions in recent years which has completely diversified the market, even for AEC firms.
Consider Finding Another Solution
If you have to migrate to a new system, it could be beneficial to investigate other products. Chances are, it has been a while since you searched for ERP, and there are new solutions gaining market share in your specific industry.
The best time to evaluate a wider spectrum of ERP applications and look beyond the industry- specific solutions is when you are being forced to upgrade.
There is a significant investment involved any time a company changes from one software product to another — especially if you are making a change to a completely new platform. Your whole organization will have to learn an entirely new way of interacting with the application. We have also found that many clients have implemented highly customized instances of the original software. Any time you are looking at upgrading to a new software platform, realize that you will have to replicate your customizations in the new ERP system; therefore, consider how that customized functionality could be met “out of the box” with newer solutions which are better suited for your needs in today’s software market.
Ultimately, each organization must make an evaluation for themselves and determine if the benefits of going to Deltek Vantagepoint outweigh the benefits of going to another application.
Or Don’t Upgrade and Keep Vision
What if you have decided that you don’t want to upgrade to Deltek Vantagepoint? But it is also the wrong time to switch to a new product. If you want to keep Vision, what do you do once it is no longer supported by Deltek?
The truth is you still have options. When you are evaluating whether you should stay on Vision, first look at what you will need in terms of support. If the product is working for you, then you may only need occasional updates, such as yearly tax codes or forms. There will no doubt be many organizations that remain on Vision even after Deltek no longer provides their own support services, and we predict that there may be third-party partners who will continue to provide support for the older versions.
Here at ERP Advisors Group, we believe you should switch software only when you absolutely have to. So, when deciding if you should upgrade from Deltek Vision to Vantagepoint, do your due diligence, and ensure you are upgrading for the right reasons. Do not upgrade just because the vendor told you to, or because you are fed up with a particular company and want to get away from their products. Do your research and find out what is best for you.
Whichever you decide, ERP Advisors Group is here to assist. If you have any questions about upgrading Deltek Vision to Vantagepoint, and you’re not sure which decision is best for your company, contact us, and we will help you find the right solution for your organization.