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Client Testimonial: Jody Cire, CFO

Written by Rebekah McCabe | Oct 11, 2023 5:11:34 PM

I believe we originally found ERP Advisors Group through a Lew’s List announcements email. I had done an ERP evaluation and selection project about a decade ago with a Big 4 firm, so I originally reached out to them to begin the process, however, the people I previously worked with were all gone at this point and those that I talked to were struggling to even point to the right consultant. Meanwhile, I reached out to ERP Advisors Group and connected with Erica right away. Since bringing them on board we’ve gone through the Needs Analysis process, a software Selection, and now are confronting an ERP Implementation with their help.

We are currently executing on an acquisition roll-up strategy, and since our current software is over 20 years old it became clear that the software we have isn’t up for what we needed it to do with the new acquisitions. It’s been clear for a long time, but it just took us some time to make the decision to move forward.

I had done a software implementation with the vendor we selected before, so bringing in EAG did not lead us to a different solution, but we really needed to nail this project and be certain that we were picking the right software for our needs. It was really important to me that everyone was confident in what we chose and comfortable with how we arrived at our decision, both the private equity owner and our management team.

By bringing in EAG we were able to streamline the process and build buy-in from everyone. That was a really key goal for me. I needed to add validity to the decision and not have it just be me deciding what ERP to select. I didn’t want anyone to think this decision was made based on my personal opinion, so we needed someone to walk us through the process so that when the going gets tough no one starts second guessing if there could have been a better alternative. Doing our due diligence and going through the full process up front ensures there is no second-guessing later on when things get difficult during implementation or even post-implementation.

With Carly and Micah, we had a great experience, and they were very helpful, particularly during this phase of the project. I would definitely be willing to recommend ERP Advisors Group.