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Client Testimonial: Sara Nelson, E-Commerce Manager, GT Midwest

Written by Rebekah McCabe | Sep 26, 2023 7:03:32 PM

What led us to perform a needs analysis is that the ERP we are currently on is no longer being supported by the vendor, and the help they’ve been offering has been anything but good. We were going to sign a contract to update with them, but they failed to make a few super key modifications, leading us to just end the contract. As a result, we needed to start looking elsewhere for solutions and that’s when we found ERP Advisors Group.

We went live with our current ERP in 2005 and we did it completely on our own. Overall, it went well, and we didn't have to shut down which was a big win for us, but it definitely still could have been better. Even then, it was a daunting task and our President realized that this time around we didn’t have the bandwidth to take the project on alone. We just don’t have anyone with the amount of required time available to run the project. Our previous IT guy was very good at coding and customized a lot of the back-end processes, but now there really is no one on our team who could do that without a ton of help. When I was told that I was going to be the project manager I immediately knew I would need a partner for our ERP efforts and that was when we brought EAG on board.

I think ERP Advisors Group works very well as a team. I’ve spent a lot of time with them, and I could just sit back and watch them work. They did a great job interviewing people. We’ve done a lot of interviews as well and EAG did a really, really good job. Also, the deck we got with their findings was really great as well and we used it to help develop our RFI and move forward in the process. I’m glad we had ERP Advisors Group to help us with this phase of our project.