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What Businesses Get Wrong During Their ERP Implementation

Thursday, September 26th @ 12:00 pm MDT

ERP implementation is all too easy to get wrong, even when the solution is right. Unfortunately, traps are hidden along the road to a successful go-live and even the most well-intentioned projects can fall victim to major ERP mistakes. In this episode of The ERP Advisor, Shawn Windle uncovers what businesses get wrong during their ERP implementations to guide project sponsors back to the path of ERP success.

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Building a Business Case & Gaining Executive Support for Your ERP Upgrade

Eligible for 1.0 Free CPE

Thursday, October 10th @ 12:00 pm MDT

One of the most difficult parts of launching an ERP upgrade is garnering support from all relevant ERP stakeholders in order to build a solid business case for a new ERP. If the key people across your company are not on board, then your selection can be doomed before it even begins. It is vital to build an airtight business case that gains Board and Executive support of costs, types of solutions, roadmap, and vendor shortlist. In this episode of The ERP Advisor, Shawn Windle identifies the key elements of successfully building a business case for a new ERP.

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Why You Will Be Thankful for Your Client-Side Implementation Consultant

Thursday, November 21st @ 12:00 pm MST

Unfortunately, many ERP implementations fail because they do not have an expert to guide their efforts leading to missed milestones and ill-prepared employees. Find out how leveraging a Client-Side Implementation Consultant can ensure your project gets on track and stays on track until you successfully go live. Don’t let your ERP implementation fall off the rails, tune into The ERP Advisor Podcast to hear from ERP expert Shawn Windle and learn why your business will be thankful for your Client-Side Implementation Consultant this year.

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