"Our customers are the hardworking businesses who make, move, and sell the things everyone needs. Our carefully curated industry productivity solutions enable you to keep the world turning, even during the most challenging times."
- Epicor
Epicor wins deals because of their feature-rich functionality for distributors, manufacturers, lumber and automotive businesses.
Epicor differentiates itself by providing a number of industry-specific solutions. This specialization of software allows users to purchase products that feature what they need, leaving out everything they do not. The specializations in the Automotive, Lumber, Distribution, and Manufacturing industries set Epicor apart.
Epicor provides many solutions that can be used out-of-the-box. However, the underlying ICE Business Architecture provides a next-generation experience by providing, usability, scalability, and flexibility while reducing costs, increasing hardware utilization, and optimizing infrastructure and server availability.
After being in the market for 50 years, Epicor has established a name for itself and has developed extensive knowledge to differentiate from other vendors with similar solutions. Their maturity in the industry has led to a loyal customer base and a knowledgeable channel that caters to their customers.
Epicor offers ERP systems with industry-specific specialization for distributors and manufacturers.
Purchasing an ERP? Get our complete guide to negotiating an ERP deal.
Distributor Software
Manufacturer Software
Other Industries
Epicor News
An Epicor channel partner will be your liaison during the selling process rather than the software publisher. Other partners specialize in developing platform solutions for extending Epicor's functionality.
Over the years, Epicor has built their Epicor Partner Network, a sales, support, and marketing program built to provide opportunities for Channel Partner growth. Epicor's Channel Partners are provided training and support to ensure they are product experts, able to provide support to all Epicor users.
Epicor has developed strong, strategic ISV partnerships with software development partners to provide solutions to Epicor users from development to implementation. This strategy allows Epicor to provide best-of-breed solutions, blending together options across the market that partner with Epicor.
390 Union Boulevard, Suite 540
Lakewood, CO 80228
600 Cleveland Street, Suite 379
Clearwater FL 33755
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